Latest Books
Shopping Your Manuscript
’Tis the season to shop. It’s that time of year when lots (but not all) people are frantically running around buying things for others. The other way to look at that is that lots of people are trying to sell things. And if you’ve got a polished manuscript that’s been critiqued, reviewed by your beta reader, and ready to face the world, then you have something to sell too.
5 Questions to Ask About Your Character
Now there are some things all main characters should have in common regardless of whether they were written for the adult or children’s market. They should. Have wants and needs Grow in some way (emotionally or spiritually) Be realistic Not be a stereotype of some...
6 Questions to Ask When Planning Your Novel
Every person who has a kid in school or has been a kid in school or has met a kid in school knows the 5Ws and an H. Let’s all say them together: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Who knew that this concept that we learn in kindergarten could later be used as a...
Your Children’s Book’s Two Audiences
Every book has multiple audiences, no matter the market. There’s a primary demographic and a secondary demographic. These are the audiences your publisher (or you) might think will be drawn to your book.
That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m not talking about possible market segmentation. I’m talking about the people who will actually read your book, and in the children’s market, that’s two broad audiences: Kids AND Adults.
Book Review: Hero
Hero By Alethea Kontis I love fairy tales and and fairy tale reimagining. This book is another great story in that tradition. Saturday Woodcutter is the sister of the famous adventuring Jack and her days of the week named sisters. All of the sisters have stories...
I Love Bookstores.
Right now, I'm at RWA completely out of my element. I don't know the books everyone talks about. I don't know the authors. I'm even unfamiliar with some of the conventions used in crafting their work. And yet, I'm still somehow very much at home. I am surrounded by...
When You Publish for the First Time…
Hi! My name is Susan Bianculli, and this is my first time writing for someone else’s blog. 🙂 That sounds like the beginning of a first date, doesn't it? But it’s true; I am a first timer in so many things. I can also say that it’s my first time getting published –...
Debuts I Have Known
This week is a very exciting week over at CBAY Books. Tomorrow we launch a brand new series, The Mist Gate Crossings. This is our first YA ebook original, and we have all sorts of exciting things planned for this series -- not the least is a 99 cents debut price for...
Where the Money Goes
There’s this odd misconception out in the world that publishers and authors are rich. We both have money to burn and can afford huge outlandish parties to celebrate our books.
I wish.
Here’s a breakdown of where money goes at a small press.
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends: Some Experts Give Advice on Submitting to Agents
Since I submitted to an agent last week, I decided to ask some of my wonderful Austin author friends for a little friendly advice. Here’s some of the gems they shared with me:
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