It’s almost upon us …
#NANOWRIMO is almost here.
For those of you that don’t know, every November authors get ambitious and try to write an entire novel (or at least 50k words of one) in one month. And not just any month—November, the month that officially kicks off the 6 week winter holiday season. It’s a month filled with family and shopping, so naturally, it’s the perfect month to dedicate copious amounts of time to writing.
Or maybe not.
But that’s what makes it fun and truly a challenge. And it’s a great way to send off this writing year.
I last did #NANOWRIMO in 2017 when I wrote 52k words. I’m pretty sure that’s when I wrote A Harmless Lie and a Dangerous Spy’s first draft. But that was a while back, and I don’t remember for sure.
This year I’ve decided to do it again, and I’m going old school with a brand-new project on day one.
But that means, I need to do some prep work. And it occurred to me that if anyone else is doing #nanowrimo that they might want to do some prep work too. And then I realized that these kinds of things are always more fun with friends, so I figured we should do a bunch of writing get-togethers.
And thus, the Impromptu #NANOWRIMO was born.

So, for the first next three full weeks, we’re going to be working together to really get our writing routine solidified so that we can meet our goals for the month.
We’re going to kick off everything on Monday with a FREE prep session where I’ll have FREE planners for both my planners and my pantsers among us. (Don’t worry, it’s different depending on what style of writing you prefer.)
And then, we’re going to get together regularly on Zoom and write. Come to as many or as few as you can. It’s totally FREE and meant to keep us from being completely isolated during our writing frenzy.
Finally, we’re going to all officially register on the NANOWRIMO site and become each other’s buddies so we can cheer each other along.
So, if you want to join me in this whirlwind of a writing month, then REGISTER HERE>> so I can send you the emails with the zoom links and the planners.
I can’t wait to see you there!
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